Another Day of Visitation.... With Great News!
Alicia's eyes were slightly infected and she sort of had pink eyes. She got some eye drops and rested for a day. Thank God she felt better in the evening.
The rest of us were divided into different teams and visited different people in town. One group visited a new believer who is a young mother who has been busy taking care of her 2-year-old daughter and taking in charge of an expanding convenient store with her husband. Since she's busy with work and family, she hasn't been able to attend church in a while even though she has a desire to know God better. We showed our care for her and gave her a book on Christianity basics. We hope the local fellowship will follow up with her and may she grow in Christ continuously.
Alicia's eyes were slightly infected and she sort of had pink eyes. She got some eye drops and rested for a day. Thank God she felt better in the evening.
The rest of us were divided into different teams and visited different people in town. One group visited a new believer who is a young mother who has been busy taking care of her 2-year-old daughter and taking in charge of an expanding convenient store with her husband. Since she's busy with work and family, she hasn't been able to attend church in a while even though she has a desire to know God better. We showed our care for her and gave her a book on Christianity basics. We hope the local fellowship will follow up with her and may she grow in Christ continuously.
Pastor Har, Muling, and Norman visited a few people and a couple. Praise the Lord a young couple accepted Christ as their personal Savior and Lord after listening to the gospel!!!! We were all very excited and happy for them now that they've become our brother and sister in Christ.

God bless this new believing couple!
Pastor Har's team also visited four other guys. The guy in dark orange top accepted Christ that day!
God so loves us that He sent His one and only beloved son to die for us so our relationship with God was restored. Thank you, Jesus!
Workshop on Faith Strengthening through Mutual Support at Church
Why do some spiritual giants have such strong faith? How did they attain that? Can we achieve that just like them? If you want to, yes, you can certainly grow strong in faith. Thanks to Pastor Har for teaching us how to strengthen our faith. Thank God we don't have to do this alone.

Pastor Har shared with us how to strengthen our faith.
A few of us sang a couple songs accompanied by Pastor Har's flute music. The audience liked it a lot and requested Pastor Har to play more music after the talk. (Pastor Har could consider being a flutist in the future ;) We then played a team game to better understand what is needed in an effective team. Pastor Har told us our faith could be strengthened not only through God's Word but also through other people.
Our fluist Pastor. Everyone enjoyed his music.

This pregnant young lady and her husband just accepted Jesus Christ that morning, praise the Lord!

Pastor Har shared with us how to strengthen our faith.
A few of us sang a couple songs accompanied by Pastor Har's flute music. The audience liked it a lot and requested Pastor Har to play more music after the talk. (Pastor Har could consider being a flutist in the future ;) We then played a team game to better understand what is needed in an effective team. Pastor Har told us our faith could be strengthened not only through God's Word but also through other people.

Our fluist Pastor. Everyone enjoyed his music.

This pregnant young lady and her husband just accepted Jesus Christ that morning, praise the Lord!
Thanks for the great news. We give glory to God. We pray that God will give you a healthy body as well as spirit.
Now, I am sure that Alicia will see better, clearer, higher, wider and deeper, after the redness is gone.
We've been waiting for new updates on your trip, and what great news this is! Congratulations to the new believers. We are thankful for everyone who witnessed God's work there. May God continue to be glorified!
Yes, Pastor Har is a good flutist and a good pastor. :)
We love you & miss you all!
Maggie & Sophia
Following the footsteps of Jesus, the team bring good news to others. We're very thankful for all of you.
From Minnesota with love,
Irene and Paul
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