Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Urgent Prayer Requrest

Alicia and Lisa have sent in their passport renewal applications a couple months ago but still haven't gotten them back yet and the situation is getting tougher since there's only a week left before we set off. We need your prayers!!!

Like Dr. Wan said, "The Devil would do all things fearing us or making us in doubt to our Lord. But we
're experiencing what our mighty God will do for us. Let's pray and pray to witness the Holy presence of the Lord who has promised us "And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matt 28:20)". We're not desperate and no matter what's going to happen, we're in His hands. Alicia wrote, "Things happen for a reason, nothing is by accident." Let's put our faith in our almighty God and see what He'll do for us.

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